E.8: 5 Places Where Divine Downloads Happen

Season 1: Episode 8

5 Places Where Divine Downloads Happen

       Get the Podcast Playbook, to accompany the podcast here. Filled with devotionals, checklists, questionnaires and more:

In this episode you will learn:

  • The trifecta for downloads from God

  • How a monk shaped my view of the mundane

  • Why falling in love with brain neurology can shift your game to hyperdrive

Episode length: 11:43


      Have you ever been in the shower and suddenly struck with inspiration? Or how about when you were just at that moment of falling asleep and like a flash a thought occurs that solves the problem you've been struggling with?

  On today's podcast. We're gonna go over five places were divine Downloads can happen, so you're able to push past limitations. These are tips you could start right now to move toward those gods size dreams in bite sized chunks.

    Hello and welcome to the podcast God size dreams in bite size chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired and activated in our God size dreams.

      Hello and welcome to another episode. I'm so passionate about today's topic because it's such a powerful game changer when it comes to creativity and thinking outside the box. Often, when we're working toward a god sized dream, we're in a position that we can see no way out of. We're like Moses and the Israelites. We've got Pharaoh's Army behind us, the Red Sea in front of us and a mountain and sheer rock wall on either side of us. Unless God's creative genius comes through for us we're in big trouble.           

Open Up that Red Sea!

   Whenever I'm in a position like that, And believe me, it's a lot, I start going to places for divine downloads. But what do I mean? Divine downloads? These are moments when an idea pops into my head and God speaks or I see Scripture in a whole new way. And I know that God's Kingdom has just dropped a big download to help me solve the problem.

       You see, Jacob found one of these when he was running from his brother. He saw in Genesis 28 he had a dream, and when he awoke, he said, “Surely God is in this place and I didn't know it.” Of course, we now know that God is always with us. But sometimes we need a bit of a jolt to get into the creative flow with heaven.

Mountain, Sea, or Desert?

       So here are five places were divine Downloads can happen. Number one mountain, sea or desert. Which one? I say that because quite honestly, everybody's different. I love going to mountains and I love going to the sea, but the desert really doesn't cut it for me. But I have friends and believe me, they are super serious about going to the desert to go hear from God. So it just depends on who you are. For me. I just love sitting in front of the ocean and watching it crash up against the rocks. The Oregon coast is incredible. I always feel like I'm hearing God there.

      But maybe you live in the middle of the United States. Or maybe you live in a country where you can't get to the sea, so find a place in nature that you can get out and enjoy what God has done with his creative flow. How he has created the earth. When you go to these kinds of places, what you're doing is you're getting out of your comfort zone so that you can hear from God in a totally different way. Discover which place is best for you.

       You know, sometimes it takes a little trial and error because sometimes you go to a place and you think that that really didn't do it for me. But you go to other places and you really feel like you had a really close encounter with the Lord. So figure it out for yourself and see which one works best.

Which are you?

Which are you?

  The Oldie but a Goodie 

   The next one is if you can't get away at all and I love this one. I call it the back seat of my car. Five minutes with God. This is, of course, when your car is parked and you're not driving it, of course. But if you get into the backseat of your car, whether it's in the garage or whether you're parked in front of your house, where every, maybe, even if you're driving down the road, you went down to Target and you need to park somewhere in the parking lot by getting into the back seat of the car again.

     You're changing your circumstances, and you're seeing things and a whole different way. Often times what this does for our brain: Neurology is that it kind of kicks us out of spaces that we've become familiar with so that were more apt to hear from what the what the Lord's trying to say to us. Getting out of our comfort zone is a big key for divine downloads.

Mustard Seed Academy

      The Mustard Seed Academy is a school for people just like you. Perhaps you want to find out your unique God sized dream or Maybe you already know what God wants you to do. You just don't know how to do it or get started. In the mustard Seed academy. I take you by the hand, and coaches were your own personal, God sized dream. In this online course, you will learn how to develop your skills into a business ministry or nonprofit. You will gain the skills to get clear on your goals. Build a team and take actionable steps forward. Join us at the Mustard Seed Academy and grow your confidence to take on your own God sized dream. To learn more. See us at the website. www.angelameer.com. See you there.

The Sweep

Welcome back. Of course, Number three is one of my favorite ones. Probably one of your favorite ones, too, but you just don't know it yet. A lot of times I get divine downloads in the mundane, in other words, things that you're just doing day to day. And you don't even think about one of the biggest divine downloads I've ever had. I had while I was sweeping the floor. It was such a powerhouse download that I almost fell over and all I was doing was sweeping the floor.

    He reminds me of a story of a man named Brother Lawrence. He wrote a tiny little book called Practicing the Presence of God and I highly, highly recommend it. You can get it on Amazon. Anyways. Brother Lawrence was a monk, and brother Lawrence wasn't a very high ranking monk. In fact, one of the things that brother Lawrence was in charge of was washing the dishes. There were so many dishes at the place that he was at the monastery that he was at, that he was usually washing dishes all day. His job was in the kitchen, and that's what he did. But the thing about Brother Lawrence was that he always practiced the presence of God.

So when he was washing dishes, the presence of God was so thick when he'd wash dishes, it was said that people would travel from hundreds of miles around just to come see Brother Lawrence washed the dishes.

      Now I haven't elevated my washing the dishes to that status yet, But wouldn't that be incredible if we were able to see that we could see God and every mundane thing. In fact, we can. And that's what I love about that book. Brother Lawrence's practicing that the presence of God. It teaches you how to just hear from God in any everyday situation. And really, for me, it's been a powerhouse.

A Napper

       Number four. I really recommend having an outside napping place. If you don't have one, it's easy to make one. Either get some comfortable pillows or an outside chair or a hammock, which is my personal favorite, and set it up for outside. Oftentimes just getting outside to fall asleep. There's something about being in a different environment outside that really, for me, helps me. Also, it's important to recognize that sometimes our brains get in the way of how the Lord wants to speak. And so by having an outside napping place, what happens is your jolting your brain into a new environment, like we talked about a number one and number two. But also what we're doing is we're allowing Holy Spirit to come and speak to us in a place that were kind of our brain Shut off. A brain Shuts off while we’re falling asleep. Oftentimes these downloads can happen. So right before you fall asleep and right before you wake up often God likes to speak.

       I had a situation a few days ago where I was really struggling with something. And as I was waking up, the Lord spoke to me. Second Corinthians, Chapter eight versus four and five. And we're going in looking. And don't quote me on this, because I'm not entirely sure if that was what it was. Now I wrote it down in my journal. May have been versus 14 and 15 but anyways, I remember going and looking up, I, for some reason was able to just wake up and write it down. Sure enough, it was the answer that I needed for where it was at that time.

You know, sometimes that happens, and we just need to be available to hear from God in these outside places that were not used.

The Brain Switch

       Finally, number five is one of my favorite ones. I often get divine downloads while I'm doing art. So maybe for you, you're not an artist. But maybe you like to do crafts. Or maybe you have a hobby. Or maybe you like to get outside and golf whatever it is. Try and find a way to incorporate practicing the presence of God like Brother Lawrence did. When you go to go do it. For instance, when I'm painting or when I'm drawing, I'll just say to myself,

Holy Spirit, this is a great time for us to interact because my brain's gonna move into a different place.

     Brain Neurology tells us that when we are moving our brain into different areas that we don't typically use, for instance, for me, I'm very much a brainiac, so I'm thinking all the time. But when I'm moving to art, I'm using a different side of my brain. Now, Maybe that's the case for you, but perhaps you always are in a place of creativity. Maybe that's your job. Or maybe that's something that you have to have for for your God size dream. Maybe it's a good idea if you to consider doing something really scholastic, like reading a book or going and listening to a Ted talk lecture.

        Whatever is often times God can use this brain switch to kind of get us out of our mundane so that we can hear what he has to say now, whether it's the mundane or switching it up, All of these factors can be helpful to you. The best thing to do is always trying new things so that you're getting the divine downloads that you need. Which one of these five was your favorite? Isn't it awesome how a bit of a shift can open up the possibility to hear from God in a divine download? If you love this podcast, that makes sure you download the journal Prompt I made for you to go with it. The free podcast playbook is at angelameer.com. The journal prompts will be all about out of the box thinking for creative solutions to your Red Sea problem until next time. This is Angela Meer helping you achieve God size dreams and bite size chunks.

Which of these places works the best for you? Which one will you try? Comment below, we’d love to hear from you!


E.9: What to Do with God’s Interruptions


E.7: How to Know God’s Divine Will for Your Life