E.28: The 3 Best Secrets of God-Dream CEO’s

Season 3: Episode 28

The 3 Best Secrets of God-Dream CEO’s

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In this episode you will learn:

  • Why we honor the God-dreams of others, but not our own

  • Why the right kind of risk is crucial to a life of faith

  • How to hit the bullseye of your God-dream

Episode length: 8:52


The 3 Best Secrets of God-Dream CEO’s


The 3 Best Secrets of God-Dream CEO’s 〰️

The 3 Best Secrets of God-Dream CEO’s


Some people call me multi-passionate, which is a nice word, but the truth is I feel called to every single thing I’m doing in my life. It took me a long time to get here, however, and it took me awhile to understand that there are certain perameteres that must be put in place in your life if you are stewarding a dream from God.

If you violate those parameters, or worse, never put them in place in the first place, you’ll never accomplish the very thing you’ve been called to do.

Today, I’m going to give you my heard-earned secrets at being my own God-dream CEO, so that you too can go after the dreams God has placed in your heart.


Hello. My name is Angela Meer and I am the Head Dreamer here at the podcast God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks. If you have been looking for a way to make your life count, build your dreams in practical ways, and develop the skills you need to go the long-haul, you’ve found the right place. I’m here to guide you with humor, inspiration, and authenticity. Welcome to God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks.

As always thank you for tuning in and if this is especially impactful for you, please comment on our blog or review us in the podcast so that others can find these practical wisdom-filled strategies to help them excel in their walk with God.

Well let’s get into the meaty stuff today. I think you’re going to like this.

When the Lord started putting the dreams of His heart on my heart, it took me several years to fumble around and discover my strengths and weaknesses at getting everything done. Some days are good and others not so good, but I am always trusting that God’s grace will get me to the finish line. Because here is a secret: there will always be enough time for you to fulfill your God-given destiny IF you look out for these 3 things.

The first one is: honoring your God-dream.

You see, we don’t often honor the dream God has placed on our heart, and we do this in several ways

·       We say yes to things that eat up our time, rather than using that time to build our God-dream

·       We think other people’s God-dreams are more important than ours so we honor their dream at the expense of our own

·       We spend years not taking the first step because we are still in fear about taking a risk

These are some hard hitting truths, but if you ask any God-dream CEO they are extremely focused on what their priorities are. They know that when they say yes to someone else,  they are actually saying no to something else. Now, if you are serving someone who is in the arena with your God-dream I consider that time well-spent, such as an apprenticeship, so you can learn. But if you are prioritizing something that isn’t aligned with the call of God for you, you may be using that other commitment as a way of avoiding the big emotions you feel around your own God-dream.

You can start honoring your God-dream today by making at least 5 hours a week to pursue that dream and choose to honor what God has put on your heart. Even if you are researching or learning about your God-dream, at least you are taking steps to commit your way to God. “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Prov 16:3 ESV.

The second secret of God-dream CEO’s is that they aren’t afraid to take risks.

We often disregard risk in our Christian walk because we choose the more sensible wisdom to hide behind. But Peter demonstrated risk for us when he chose to walk on water with Jesus. Risk and faith MUST go hand-in-hand; in other words, don’t take risks that aren’t in alignment with God’s heart for you, and don’t take risks when you haven’t heard the Lord encourage you in that way. These are the type of risks that won’t pay off. But risk something when you hear from the Lord about your God-dream. Take the chance that you heard Him correctly and that He wants to bless the work of your hands and the path that you are trailblazing.

Risk has great reward attached to it because it means that you are going all in and trusting that Jesus will catch you. It is VERY similar to the third Indiana Jones movie when he was asked, by faith, to step off a ledge. When he finally did it, he was surprised that there was a bridge there to catch him all along, and it was only a matter of perception.

Similarly, Peter faced a big obstacle in his life by stepping out of the boat to walk with Jesus. He overcame his fear of the water and chose to do the impossible with God.

If we are afraid to risk it is usually because above our God-dream we value:

·       Our reputation before people

·       Not failing

·       Safety

All of these things are good, IF the Lord brings us to it; but it requires faith to step into the Promised Land of our God-dreams. Remember the 12 spies that went into the Promised Land? 2 came out with a good report, and ten grumbled in fear about what they saw there. Choose to be a spy with a good report; take the risk even though it seems scary.

The third secret of God-dream CEO’s is they are constantly improving.

There is a idea in the business sector and that is that we are moving toward progress, not perfection.

Think of it this way: if you are an archer who is learning to shoot an arrow at greater distances than you’ve ever shot before, do you make big sweeping changes to each shot that you make, trying to hit the bullseye? NO! Instead, you look and see where the arrow landed and you make minor adjustments, such a slight tilt of your hand, or shifting your balance just a bit.

The same is true about your God-dream. You are not going to hit the target on your first try. If you did, you wouldn’t learn to value the perseverance that is necessary in going after a God-dream. Rather, you take a shot at something God has put in your heart, and then you evaluate:

·       What went right?

·       What went wrong?

·       What small changes can I make to get closer to the bullseye?

And you keep trying until you hit the bullseye. Being faithful to adjust your course, make small changes, and evaluating yourself are all aspects of the God-Dream CEO.

If you are interested in learning more about this subject, I can suggest our free Podcast Playbook which includes worksheets and printables for every podcast and blog. You can get it at angelameer.com. Angelameer.com.

So how about you? What are the areas of your life that God is making you into a God-dream CEO? I’d love to hear your comments on the blog or podcast.

Thank you for sharing this with your friends. We appreciate you!


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