E.30: 4 Ways to Get Un-Stuck and Motivated Again in a God-Dream

Season 3: Episode 30

4 Ways to Get Un-Stuck and Motivated Again in a God-Dream

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In this episode you will learn:

  • What to do with depression and your God-dream

  • Why King David showed us a trick at making God-dreams come true

  • How an Answered Prayer List will spur you with faith

Episode length: 10:39


4 Ways to Get Un-Stuck and Motivated Again in a God-Dream


4 Ways to Get Un-Stuck and Motivated Again in a God-Dream 〰️

4 Ways to Get Un-Stuck and Motivated Again in a God-Dream


Most people usually already have a God-dream but few are really ready to go after it and make it happen. We are filled with excuses when we have God-dreams but the reality is that you know that God created you to be fully alive with purpose. Every day that you postpone your God-dream is one more day that you feel without purpose in this world.

In today’s episode, I want to take you past all of the excuses and shields that we put up to keep ourselves from a God-dream and give you tools to get unstuck from the mire of the enemy who is doing his best to keep us away from our purpose and calling in God.

After this episode, you are going to feel like you now have the tools to actually take steps forward in your God-dream.

Hello. My name is Angela Meer and I am the Head Dreamer here at the podcast God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks. If you have been looking for a way to make your life count, build your dreams in practical ways, and develop the skills you need to go the long haul, you’ve found the right place. I’m here to guide you with humor, inspiration, and authenticity. Welcome to God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks.

As always thank you for tuning in and if this is especially impactful for you, please comment on our blog or review us in the podcast so that others can find these practical wisdom-filled strategies to help them excel in their walk with God.

There was a decade of my life where I felt entirely powerless to make my God-dreams come true. It is no surprise now, with hindsight being 20/20 that that decade ended with me being severely depressed about the way my life was going.

In fact, after Covid, many people are feeling depressed in the church and if that is you today, I am praying that not only does this help you, but you will look back and see that this was a turning point for you.

The truth is that the Bible is clear that we are supposed to be filled with hope for the future. In fact Proverbs 31 woman it says, “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Prov 31:25-26 ESV.

In other words, God wants us full of hope!

But one of the reasons we deal with depression and thoughts of suicide is because we have listened to the devil and found ourselves depleted from any sense of purpose or calling.

And a God-dream is just that: knowing what God has called you to and moving toward it in easy steps of obedience.

If you are stuck and unmotivated, or perhaps you are still seeking out your God-dream, then these steps will really help you.

Step one: Journal out your feelings.

We use the Daily Grow devoplannals to help you explore what is going on inside your emotions, and what are at the roots of your feelings. Finding a place and time in your life to explore what is occurring within you is as important as it was when David was writing the Psalms.

By writing things down, David was able to fully express and explore his feelings and discover what it was that he needed from God, exactly.

My favorite Psalm is when David is very depressed but he keeps saying to himself, “Why are you so downcast, o my soul? Put your hope in God.” (Ps.43:5). He is literally writing out his feelings and telling his soul to get in alignment with God.

Writing out your feelings can be hard if you are just looking at a blank page, but the guided journals at Daily Grow prompt you with questions that start the inner conversation your soul needs.

The second step that will help you as get unstuck from a God-dream is this: getting real about the enemy at the gate.

To my knowledge, I have never seen spiritual battles over people as hard as the ones that have to do with their purpose and calling in life. The enemy hates it when people discover the greatness that Jesus has placed within them so that they are empowered to have an effect on the world. But guess what! The most joy and fulfillment in life comes as we discover our purpose and choose to serve God out of our calling. There is nothing so wonderful as going after your dream in God!

So what do we do to get real about the enemy at the gate?

When we start to realize that the enemy uses our human emotion to overwhelm the purpose and calling of God and stifle it under the enemi’s lies, we begin to have eyes to see where God wants us to overcome the lies and believe His truth. So getting real about the enemy at the gate looks like:

·       Choosing to trust God, rather than disbelieve His promise, calling, or purpose over our life

·       Seeing the fear in my heart as an obstacle that God wants to remove so I can take faith-filled steps.

·       Realizing that the excuses we’ve made for why we can’t go after our God-dreams are not helping us, but actually the circumstances in our lives are perfect for God to give us His grace in our weakness

The third thing we can do to get unstuck is to find people who have similar dreams.

This is so important because when we find a community, we find a tribe. A tribe will encourage us even when we are struggling in building our God-sized dream. A tribe will give us the loving push that we need to get where we need to go. A tribe will give you wisdom and direction that will assist you in the way.

Finding your tribe and meeting others with a similar dream also opens up additional opportunities for working together. Sometimes it is meeting the right person or few people that really creates the momentum that your dream needs to be built.

When you find a tribe with similar dreams, your weakness can be overcome because others have the strengths that you need. Conversely, your strengths may be the help that their God-dream needs.

Finding a group of people who get the mission/vision of your God-dream can get you toward momentum in a very fast way!

Finally, the 4th thing that will help your God-dream get unstuck is the power of prayer.

I came to a point in my God-dreams when I realized that my dreams were so beyond me that it was only the power of God that would cause my dream to move forward. It was like every other moving part just stalled. This was a time that really concerned me because it just seemed that all the forward momentum that I had been operating with was now stopped.

In my Daily Grow devoplannal, I began utilizing the Prayer and Answered Prayer sections extensively. Everything that had stalled out in my God-dream I began to write out and date. I prayed over this list several times a week.

Finally, after about a week, I had a conversation with one of the leaders at my church that showed me that God was moving around my God-dream. Even though it was just a conversation, I wrote it out in my Daily Grow devoplannal and I knew that being grateful for just a small thing would cause other larger things to follow.

When Elijah was in 3 years of famine and he prayed that the drought would end, he saw only a tiny cloud the size of a man’s hand and he knew that the deluge of rain was about to come.

Similarly, get serious about writing down every small thing that is an answered prayer to your God-dream stall. Rejoice and thank God like it is a huge answered prayer! Trust the drought in your God-dream is about to be over.

If you are interested in learning more about this subject, I can suggest our free Podcast Playbook which includes worksheets and printables for every podcast and blog. You can get it at Angelameer.com.

So how about you? What are the areas of your life that God is making unstuck for your God-dream? I’d love to hear your comments on the blog or podcast.

Thank you for sharing this with your friends. We appreciate you!


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