E.26: #1 Secret for Fulfilling a God-Dream

Season 3: Episode 26

#1 Secret for Fulfilling a God-Dream

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In this episode you will learn:

  • What #1 secret from the Bible helped me see fulfillment of my God-dreams

  • What lies the enemy tells us to keep us from our God-dreams

  • How to be prepared to see God work in our God-dreams

Episode length: 9:51


#1 Secret for Fulfilling a God-Dream


#1 Secret for Fulfilling a God-Dream 〰️

#1 Secret for Fulfilling a God-Dream


What is your God-dream? Perhaps it is to raise money for causes you believe in. Perhaps you want to provide an amazing homeschool program for your kids and others? Maybe you want to run a business that gives back to missionaries. Whatever your God-dream is, I can tell you from experience that God longs to fulfill that dream.

In fact, there is a #1 secret that I have for fulfilling my God-dreams. And it’s going to rock you, so let’s jump in.

Hello. My name is Angela Meer and I am the Head Dreamer here at the podcast God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks. If you have been looking for a way to make your life count, build your dreams in practical ways, and develop the skills you need to go the long haul, you’ve found the right place. I’m here to guide you with humor, inspiration, and authenticity. Welcome to God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks.

You are in for a treat today because I hope to inspire you to go after everything God has placed in your heart. Many, many of my God-dreams in the early days never came to pass because I didn’t understand this #1 secret. In fact, I lived in a constant state of disappointment for almost a decade because my God-dreams never came to pass.

I had to learn the hard way about some of the character that is needed for God-dreams to come to pass. These lessons were hard-fought but gratefully won.

In order to understand my #1 secret for fulfilling a God-dream, you need to understand that there are certain lies that we believe that keep us from fulfilling God-dreams. So I’m going to introduce the secret to you, and then show you from the Bible how the devil has lied to us about our God-dreams.

So, what is my #1 secret for fulfilling a God-dream?

It’s this: All God-dreams are achievable. There is so much Scripture to back this up, I can’t even count, but our job today is to find the common lies that prevent us from believing this one thing.

If we believe that all dreams are achievable, then we wouldn’t give up so fast.

If we believe that all dreams are achievable, then we wouldn’t look to others to fulfill our dream.

If we believe that all dreams are achievable, then we would take the small actions every day that prove to God and to ourselves that we actually want to see this dream come to pass.

Now to be very clear, when I say a God-dream, I mean a dream that God has placed in your heart and isn’t sourced in wickedness or evil. God could place a dream in your heart to make money so you can fund great ventures that build the kingdom of God. But perhaps you deal with greed or envy. That doesn’t mean that the dream is not from God, it just means that along the way God will have to work some stuff out of your heart so that when you achieve that dream, it is a glory and praise to Jesus, not to yourself.

We see this happen in the life of Joseph. Joseph dealt with pride, which is why his brothers sold him into slavery. But God’s dream for him was to be a great man, second over all Egypt. And boy did God work that pride out of him by the time it came to pass.

So don’t dismiss your God dreams because you have some character issues to work out. It is along the way to your God-dream that God will often get your attention and improve your character.

So, let’s talk about the three lies that keep you from believing that God-dreams are achievable.

Lie #1 – You believe that the dream depends on you.

I see this a lot with people who are very shy or are afraid of taking risks. They believe, at the core of their being, that they are not able to do the God-dream. And you know what, they’re not! The whole purpose of a God-dream is getting you to believe that God is able to complete that which He has started. Do you remember that verse? Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this very thing, that he, who hath begun a good work in you, will perfect it unto the day of Christ Jesus.” This means that God is perfecting you along the way to your God-dreams.

You see, God-dreams give us missions in life. It’s like we are secret spies for the kingdom of God here on earth and we have missions to complete from heaven. Your God-dream builds the kingdom of God, and God is putting that desire in you so that you can move toward it confidently, knowing that God wants to achieve His God-dream through you.

And yes, we are to be confident --- that is exactly what Philippians 1:6 says, “Be confident that the good work God has begun in you will be completed.”

Perhaps you are shy and afraid to take risks. And God gives you a God-dream to travel the world and make documentaries about the plight of people in other nations. That dream takes a lot of confidence! That dream takes a lot of boldness! God gave you a mission that could not be completed apart from his Grace to change you so that your life is glorifying Him.

Because people will say, “I knew Katie before she made these documentaries. I never thought she would ever do something like that!” And they marvel at what God has done with and through you.

So your God-dream doesn’t depend on you. God is only asking you to take one step at a time. He does the rest. Because He is the one causing the dream to be birthed in your heart, He is the one who will make sure it is achievable.


Lie #2 – God doesn’t want that God-dream for me. 

This is SUCH a hard one! I’ve struggled with this a lot throughout my life. I thought that there was a perfect will of God for me and my job was to stay right in the middle of that will. I still see a lot of preachers preach on this, but I don’t see it in the Bible. Here are some verses to help you realize that God is in the business of making things WE want to come true:

Psalms 138:8, “God will perfect that which concerns me.” – that which concerns me, not that which concerns God. God will perfect that which concerns me.

So if you have a dream to see girls rescued from sex trafficking, know that God cares about that because it concerns you. It was His Spirit that put that concern in you in the first place! He was looking for a person that would say yes to the needs that were on the earth. How do I know?

Look at Isiah 6:8, God says to the hosts of heaven while Isiah is there visiting, “Whom will I send, and who will go for me?” and Isaiah answered His call.

When you say yes to God when you have a concern or a God-dream, you are often answering His call from heaven. Of course, He is interested in seeing your God-dream achieved!


Lie #3 – If this was a God-dream, something would have happened by now.

O weeee I struggled with this one! I wanted miracles to happen every day because I wasn’t feeling motivated enough to do the work. Because I didn’t believe that my God-dream was achievable, I didn’t see the point and lost my motivation.

It was also how I let myself off the hook if I was doing something for several months and not seeing the results I wanted to see. I would get bored, tired, frustrated, you named it. Next thing you know…I quit.

Or, I’ve seen it happen another way, where someone will pray for decades about their God-dream but never act on it. God will send them to sign after sign, encouragement, the right people, and even the right opportunities but because they are working through fear, they refuse to answer the door that God is knocking on.

One time I was thinking about joining a network marketing business. I was young and inexperienced in these things and so many people were discouraging my desire. But I felt something on it. Finally, I asked God. “Should I join this business?” His answer, to this day, makes me laugh. He said, “I wish that you would give me something to bless!” In other words, join! Because I want to bless you but indecision is not something God can bless! I did join and I did great! I learned so many lessons and to this day I love that product, even if I don’t sell it anymore. God wanted to use something to bless me. But God can’t bless indecision because it is rooted in fear.

A lot of the reasons why my early God-dreams didn’t happen were because I hadn’t developed the perseverance or endurance to see it through. God is looking for people who trust Him at His word and believe that He will make His promises come to pass. Will you be one of those people?

If so, then you too can say with confidence, that every God-dream is achievable.

How about you? Which lie do you struggle with? How is God helping you through it?


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