E.20 — The Rooms of Strategy

Season 2: Episode 20

The Rooms of Strategy

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In this episode you will learn:

  • What was behind the next two doors in the vision God showed me of the Strategy Room

  • Crucial concepts to operate effectively in the Kingdom of God

  • Why it is vital we understand Jesus Christ is a King, not just a savior

Episode length: 31:45


The Door of Teaching

In part one called the room of curiosities, I take you into the rooms of heaven that revealed God's strategies. In this episode, we will talk about why it's important for God's people to understand how the kingdom of God works and what were the two other doors that God had me explore in this seer vision.

Welcome to God's strategy room. As we move into the new epoch in Christianity, God is releasing Kingdom strategies and blueprints. Join us as we dive deep into God's strategy room to discover the wisdom of heaven for the transformation of cities. I'm your host, Angela Meer. I am the apostolic lead for firehouse, a center for city wide transformation in Southern Oregon. Let's jump into this week's episode. Hi, and welcome back to God's strategy room.

On the first episode, like I said, called "The Room of Curiosities" I took you into a room to kind of show you in the Spirit how the Lord utilizes our questions as strategy and why teaching is so important in our understanding of God's strategy being revealed on the earth.

Throughout the book of Acts, we see that the disciples and the apostles used teaching to reveal the blueprints and the strategies of heaven, so that the New Testament Church could be established according to the vision, and the prophecies, and the revelation that Jesus Christ was revealing through the church at the time.

Two More Doors

There were two other doors, if you recall, when I was in God's strategy room that were also part of the topography about how I could understand God's strategies being revealed in the earth. The first door, like I said, was teaching. But there were two other doors that I saw there. So let me take you in to these two other doors.

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First of all, what happened is after I had that moment with the Lord, where the Lord was showing me that the card catalog with the card that had been stained with tea, if you if you listen to the episode called the room of curiosities, you knew that I, the Lord was talking to me about George Washington Carver, and how George Washington Carver took the peanut, and discovered peanuts... That was such an incredible innovative thing and all he really did was he spent time with the Lord. And then he spent all that time in his botany lab trying to explore the various things that Holy Spirit was inspiring him with.

Innovation is Key in the Kingdom

See, when the Lord showed me that the card that was stained with tea, he said that this is also an opportunity for innovators. You could take any product, really, and say, “Lord, what is it that you want to do?" How do you want me to explore this product, so that I can be innovative with this thing?”

Innovation opens up a whole bunch of possibilities for the body of Christ. And it really is one of the key things that God's releasing on the Earth right now.

It's innovators who really begin to create the future.

And because they create the future, and they build the kingdom of God in that way, you begin to see that innovators are the ones who kind of start building out the things of God through His strategy.

So innovation is really in the heart of God.

An Unexpected Detour

There’s a second door that I was about to be exploring. It was not at all what I was expecting. It, you know, it really didn't even come out of an easy place. Because sometimes what happens when we're in these seer visions type of things, is that we expect that it's like we're being sucked out of our body, and we're in this totally vibrant new place.

Well, seer visions also operate very similarly to a lot of things in our Christian walk. They require faith, they require us to engage our faith that the Lord is operating alongside of us and teaching us and showing us some things.

And what happened for me at this point in my seer vision, is that it kind of got slow.

And because it got slow, I had this habit that I think a lot of us can relate to.

And that was that as I'm in this time with the Lord, and He's showing me these really cool things. The habit was to, if things kind of stalled between him and I, or I wasn't seeing anything anymore, or it just seemed like it got quiet, the habit was to turn to my phone and start scrolling through Facebook.

And it's amazing to me that here I am in this incredible experience, and just because it stalls for a second, I don't wait on the Lord, instead I turn to my phone and I start scrolling.

And that's probably really relatable for a lot of people. But the reason I'm sharing this is because I think it's important for people to realize that oftentimes we can kind of distance ourselves from the Lord by utilizing some of these tools or whatever that we're so used to or habits that we're used to.

And really it was the Lord that came to me in that moment. He said, “Are you really going to interrupt what we're experiencing here together by going through Facebook?” Ouch, it hurt a little. But I did repent.

“Abide in Me”

And since then I've been asking the Lord to make me much more aware of when the time that I spend with him is up and it's time for me to go about doing the things that he's calling me to to that day. Or if I am learning how to just engage and abide.

John15:5 says “Abide in me, and I will abide in you, for apart from me, you can do nothing.”

This thing of abiding, it is like a natural thing about learning how to just be in the Lord through your day, but also abiding in the promises and the presence of the Lord, when we're spending time with him. It really can be an impactful time for us, if we don't just turn to Facebook or turn to distractions or whatever might be trying to pull our attention away.

Sometimes those distractions are fine. You know, I know a lot of moms who, you know, it's hard to get away and have your time with the Lord. And usually the Lord's so faithful about interjecting and making sure that even when you're doing the dishes, or you're helping the kids that He’s speaking to you and He's engaging with you in your day, because you're learning how to abide in him.

But sometimes the Lord's also teaching us how to not be distracted.

And in this particular instance that’s the case. So, because I did go ahead and repent, the Lord brought me right back into that presence with him. It was kind of quiet. And finally I said, you know, this is probably a good time.

“I Really Want To Know More About Wisdom.”

For me, this is what I was thinking, “It's probably a good time for me to utilize the lesson that I just learned.” And the lesson that I just learned was that I was in the room of curiosities that were engaged by asking questions. And so I asked the Lord a question and I said, Lord, it wasn't really a question. It was more of a statement. But I said, “Lord, I really want to know more about wisdom.”

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Right then, it was that I saw that I was standing in front of a second door, in God's strategy room. Remember, there were three doors, and all three of them are modest. This door was modest, as well. And just like the first door where the the label called teaching went across the first door, all of a sudden, in front of the second door, I saw a label come up that said “Wisdom.”

How interesting that the thing that I'm chewing over the Lord's ready to reveal to me. It was already there. I didn't know what the label was. But the question I asked brought me right back to that second door.

This Time, I Lingered

So we begin to walk through that second door. And I was kind of surprised, because instead of seeing something incredible, I felt like I was walking into a black room. And I had to stand there for a second. I could hear echo, like I knew I was in a big place. But it was, it was black, it was dark, and I couldn't see.

And for a few seconds, I just sat there and I waited.

And let me tell you something, right then, after I took a few seconds and just waited to see if my vision would open up, it was after a few seconds that all of a sudden the room of wisdom unrolled in front of me, like a map. Like if you had a scrolled up map, you know, or a rolled up map. And it just kind of unrolled in front of me, the room called wisdom.

And that in itself was a good “a-ha” moment for me. Again, remember, the Lord was teaching me not to move right back to my FaceBook page or my phone in these moments when there's these pauses, and I had repented for it. And the moment that I repented for it, I go back into this vision, I engage the questions that the Lord has been teaching me, and He gives me another opportunity to make sure that I don't turn to my phone.

Seeing that moment when I walked through the room and all I saw was black, I could have again turned to my phone. But the Lord had taught me and he had shared with me, “Don't be distracted.” And so I just abide in that second, and then everything opens up.

And again, this is just a teaching moment for you. Sometimes the things that the Lord's trying to teach us we almost have an immediate opportunity to do it all over again. And so I was so grateful that the Lord gave me yet another moment where instead of turning to my phone, I just waited, I abided in Him, until the room called wisdom unrolled in front of me like a map.

Let me tell you about the room called wisdom. It was actually an ancient bustling city.

The Room of Wisdom

It was so cool. Everything was built out of this beige colored sandstone. And it was like, it looks like um, you know, I don't know much about rocks, but it was like a beige colored sandstone. And it wasn't marble necessarily, but it was this beautiful kind of yellow hue to the entire city and it was bustling, you guys.

I saw people going here and going there. Every single person that I saw in the scene like, I was, I was kind of above looking downward toward the city, every single person that I saw in the scene was moving about the city with a sense of purpose, and a sense of intention.

Everyone seemed full of purpose and intention.

And I think that's so key. It's so interesting to me, because when we read the most about wisdom, it's in the book of Proverbs. And it talks about wisdom, being like a woman who goes among a city saying, “Who of you will want to hear what I have to say, and who will stop long enough to understand what wisdom has to say?”

It's so important that we understand that when God's showing us something in the heavenlies, he's giving us kind of a spiritual insight as to why it looks the way it looks. He's giving us visual cues as to how wisdom operates. This ancient bustling city was so incredible, it had various regions. There was a huge, oh, boy, what are those called, and I should have looked it up, but it's like the Parthenon in Athens, but it was circular, it had this big circular, like, speaking stage, and it had these pillars and then a big tall roof over the top of it.

So think of like Athens, Greece, right. And there were people crying out from that place. And they were all crying out for those who wanted wisdom.

And I saw various regions all over the city. The regions were very specific. They had regions for finance, regions, for relationships, regions, for church, regions, for home, etc, etc. And I saw that there were other interesting ones that I was really surprised by; there are regions that were very specific, like fashion, technology.

The Region of Popularity and Favor

And one region that I thought was really interesting, which was popularity and favor. Isn't that interesting that there's a region in the heart of wisdom called popularity and favor?

You see, it said of Jesus, and it also said of the prophet Samuel, they both said the same thing, both Old Testament and New Testament, it said, Jesus, or Samuel, if you're reading it in the Old Testament,

“…Grew in favor with both God and man.”

Oftentimes, we think our favor is linked to, you know, how many people don't like us. And we think to ourselves, oh, this means that God really likes me. But there seems to be a key here in the Old and New Testament with both the life of Samuel and the life of Jesus, that favor with both God and man kind of grow at the same time.

And oftentimes, you can see the favor that you have or a person has with the Lord is the same favor that you start seeing growing among people, okay. And then those two things begin to grow together. Now, don't get me wrong, there might be seasons where you go through where you don't have very much favor, where maybe people aren't exactly flocking to the thing that God's given you, or the thing that you're moving forward in, or your vision or something maybe you're doing with school or going out in the realm of government, or politics or technology or throughout culture.

And it could feel like there's the season sometimes where your favor isn't increasing. But oftentimes, if that's the case, the Lord's trying to show you something that's blocking, and he's wanting to get you alone with him.

Because as you grow your favor with God, there seems to be a direct correlation with the favor of man also growing.

So don't be alarmed if you're going through a season where you don't have much favor, the real thing is to look at the whole, your whole life and say, “Have I increased in favor throughout my life,” right. And so there was this part in the city for that.

You Can Trust God for Wisdom

And so we know in James chapter 1, it says that if anyone asks of God, for wisdom, it will be given to him.

And this is a key, this is such a cool verse because I call this a verse that you could go to the bank on, you can literally trust that if you're asking the Lord for wisdom, he is going to give it to you. And and in fact, it even says in James “Don't doubt about this.” Like, because if you doubt you're like a man who's tossed to and fro, and and you're going to be ascribing to all these various winds of doctrine.

But really what the Lord is saying here is you can trust that if you're asking me for wisdom, I'm going to give it to you.

And in this city that I was looking at, the city called wisdom. There were all these various regions by which people were getting wisdom for the things that they were called to. And so it's important to recognize this city is accessible for you.

When you're praying and you're saying, “Lord, give me Wisdom” you may not have a vision where you actually go into the city of wisdom and talk with the Lord about something in a certain region of the city. But really understand that by asking the Lord for wisdom, you're accessing something in the kingdom of heaven.

Wisdom can be accessed by faith

It's not like it's a… sometimes we think it's very, like, out there esoteric or very difficult to comprehend. No, you're actually accessing something in the spiritual realm, you're actually going to a place where the Lord is saying, “Yes, I will engage with you on that.”

And with your faith, you can say, I'm going into the room of wisdom. Because the Lord said to me, in James chapter 1, if anyone asks for wisdom, I'll give it to them. So you can access this place by faith, you may not see it, but you can access it by faith.

And you can say, “I'm going to the room of wisdom, and I'm going to that city and the Lord is going to give me the wisdom I need for the situation I'm in.”

The city was so interesting, it was very ancient, it reminded me of maybe like a Greek city or a Roman city, with this beautiful beige stonework, the mechanics and the infrastructure of the city were not that modern, but they were systems that were very functional.

These are spiritual concepts

So there was some, like, kind of ancient functional systems of sewage, like, you know how the water kind of comes in and comes out of the city or whatever. There were these ancient things about how the technology was kind of pulling from old stuff, but there was also some really interspersed highly futuristic gizmos.

Now, again, don't get weird on me and say, Oh, she's talking about, you know, these various things that are in heaven or whatever. Remember that Jesus said in John chapter 3, If you don't understand that I'm talking to you about spiritual things, you're not coming into maturity, right?

When he was talking to Nicodemus, He was saying, Nicodemus said “Can a man actually,” when Jesus says, “You must be born again,” Nicodemus says, “Can a man you, know, go up into his mother and then be born again?” And Jesus said, “No, are you, aren't you a teacher in Israel? Don't you understand that I'm talking to you about spiritual things?”

So when I'm telling you that this is how the city looks, I'm talking to you about the spiritual dynamics of how wisdom works.

Treasures Old & New

In other words, the Lord is showing us by showing us that he's using some old things and he's using some futuristic things; that wisdom sometimes pulls from old stuff and sometimes it pulls from new stuff, right? And we have a verse in the New Testament that talks about the kingdom of heaven is like a man who has a Treasury and he goes into his Treasury, and he pulls out things both new and old.

Okay, so the kingdom of heaven, here we are in the kingdom of heaven. We're in God's strategy room, we're in the room of wisdom and a city of wisdom, whatever you want to call it, and the Lord's showing us something. He's saying,

“Look, sometimes I'm going to give you ancient wisdom, and sometimes I'm going to give you something that's so brand new and futuristic, that you can't even imagine how I came up with it, okay?”

Sometimes the answers to our problems when we're asking for wisdom can be something that maybe we despise, because we think “Well, why would that be the answer?” but the Lord is saying, pull from something that is old or and maybe He's pulling from something that's new.

And we need to understand these are spiritual concepts. And it's so important that we engage in these spiritual concepts, so that we are learning how the kingdom of heaven works.

The Kingdom of Heaven

You see, the number one thing that Jesus preached on when he was on the earth was not sin. It wasn't even, He talked a lot about poverty, but it wasn't even poverty.

The number one thing that Jesus talked on when he was on the earth was the kingdom of heaven.

And what we've done oftentimes, in the modern day church is we have moved into these various sectors, like we need to talk about the gospel, or we need to talk about, you know, Jesus's death. So we need to talk about all these various things. And all of those things are important.

But why was Jesus preaching on, the number one thing that he preached on was, the kingdom of heaven? And what did he use? He used parables.

He used parables, because he was showing us a picture of how the kingdom of heaven worked.

This is the same reason why God will give someone like me, or other people who are seer prophets, visions into the kingdom of heaven, is so that we can understand the spiritual concepts that are at work in this kingdom that he's talking about.

Far Above

You see, Jesus didn't just die. He also resurrected three days later and is now sitting on the throne of God, on the right hand of God.

And it says in Ephesians, that he's far above all principalities and rulers, principalities and rulers and even demonic things. It says that Jesus is far above it. And guess what Ephesians also says that we are seated with him in heavenly places.

So that means we're far above all of the stuff that's going on on the earth. And we're in, you know, if you're listening to this in around the same time that I'm recording it, we're in 2020. And everyone's talking about, you know, this has been quite the year. How awesome is it to know that we are seated in heavenly places far above everything that's going on on Earth, or in the spiritual realm, wherever the enemy is trying to mix things up or even above angels.

It says that we're seated next to Christ, up there in the heavenly realms in Ephesians. It says that far above all principalities and rulers, you guys, this is the kingdom that we're a part of.

Jesus Christ is not Only a Savior

And God uses people like me, who are seer prophets to help people understand the kingdom of heaven in a broader way, just like Jesus came, and the number one thing he preached on was the kingdom of heaven, because he's a king.

Sometimes we get stuck on the fact that he is a crucified Savior. And He is. He is a crucified Savior. But one of the things that God is doing is he's pushing us out of our comfort zone. And he's trying to teach us what it means that he is a king, who is seated far above all of these things.

And so he's giving seer prophets, like myself, visions so that the body of Christ can understand how the kingdom of heaven works.

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So here we are in the room of Wisdom.

And he's showing me, sometimes wisdom looks like you're using the old thing, and sometimes wisdom looks like you're using a new thing. Okay?

So just like it says, when Jesus said the parable, He said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a rich ruler who goes into a storehouse and pulls out things, both new and old.” Okay, so this was a visual representation of the parable that Jesus had said.

Full of Purpose

So this city was so amazing with all these different things, but I think the thing that most impressed me was the fact that the citizens of the of the city of wisdom were chock full of purpose.

And I thought to myself, How awesome is that, that when we are investing ourselves in wisdom, what does it say? It says that we should pursue wisdom, right, that we should want wisdom, Proverbs talks about crying out for wisdom, and, and making sure that you're engaging with wisdom.

And in Proverbs, it also talks about wisdom, as a woman who's walking around in a city. I'm so not surprised that when the Lord showed me the room called wisdom that it was this ancient bustling city, okay? Because it so lines up with what we see in Proverbs.

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Equipped with Strategy

So, understand that when you engage with the realm of wisdom, when you come into this room, and you ask the Lord for wisdom, you are like the people who are walking around the city who are chock full of purpose, they have purpose, they have intentionality, they know what they're going after.

And they have the wisdom of God and the strategies of heaven to carry it out.

So remember, the room called wisdom was also attached to God's strategy room.

Okay, so, door number one was teaching, door number two, now is wisdom. And remember, both of these doors were attached to God's strategy room. So these are two things he's using right now to release his strategies on the earth.

But it's not just that. There's a third door, remember, that we've talked about from the very beginning. And the third door, I thought to myself, “Well, the Lord taught me about the first door on the first day, and now he just taught me about the second door on the second day, which means that tomorrow, he'll probably teach me about the third door.”

Well, he loves to surprise me.

As soon as I thought that, I was standing in front of the third door, which cracks me up and I was like, “Okay, God, I get it, I get it. You are in charge here.”

Door #3

And so I'm standing in front of the third door, and I was shocked to see a word written across this third door, just like the first and second door, across this door, it said the word “Revelation.”

And I said, Ah, so God's strategies, three different ways that God's strategies are released on the earth,

  1. Teaching

2. Wisdom

3. Revelation

So these were the three doors attached to God's strategy room.

Remember Humility

So when I walked into the door of Revelation, and let me remind you of something that I said in The Room of Curiosities, the podcast that preceded this particular one, all three doors were humble doors.

And I was telling you that that is a picture, that in order to engage these things, we need to engage them with humility.

We can't walk through the door of revelation with pride. We can't walk through the door of wisdom with pride and we can't walk through the door of teaching with pride.

All three of these doors require our humility posture, to come before the Lord and say “I need these things from you, Lord Jesus so that I can release your strategies on the earth.”

The Room of Revelation

This door of Revelation, when I walked through it, it looks like maybe a place that you would see in the movie Matrix.

Now don't get upset with me if you don't like that movie or whatever. But you know, in the movie, The Matrix, there is this white background, but then you would see, like, in the first movie, I think there was like a couch and like, a lamp. And then that's where, you know, Neo was sitting there talking with, I can't remember the other guy's name, but he was talking with the guy who was kind of teaching him or whatever.

And at first, it kind of looked like that, with like, a white room or whatever. And then all of a sudden, I saw loads and loads and loads of computer processors built upon each other, like a type of city. And it just kind of, it just kind of blew out in front of me.

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And it was all these computer processors, now don't get, again, don't get weird for me, okay? Remember, God uses images to help us understand something, okay? So, because these are spiritual concepts that he's wanting us to get.

Systems of Thought

So as this computer processor city began to build out in front of me, I realized that in this city of computer processors, there were whole systems of thought, for instance, cultures, languages, or even modes of being like the internet, or virtual reality, or quantum computing. These were like modes of being in the earth, okay?

So, cultures, languages and modes of being we're coming out of this place called revelation.

This is so fascinating to me, because again, Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a woman who takes yeast into her dough, and she begins to work that yeast so that the yeast goes throughout the entire dough, and it works its way through the entire dough.

But they yeast doesn't start in the entire dough, it begins to work its way through.

In Isaiah, chapter 11 it says,

“Of the increase of God's government, there will be no end.”

And what I was seeing was that the revelation of Jesus Christ was expanding through culture and languages and various modes of being throughout the body of Christ throughout the world, so that the kingdom of God was constantly expanding on the earth.

Languages & Cultures

And these computers were like, holding the information of whole languages and cultural systems where the knowledge of Jesus Christ can be expanded into the earth.

Some of you may have been raised like I was, and I was raised on missionary stories, because I was a missionary's kid, you know, and I spent time out, you know, a lot of time as a child on the mission field.

And so what happens is, if you're a child on the mission field, you tend to hear a lot of stories about missionaries. And so you know, there's these books about various missionaries and stuff. And I remember reading this particular book about a missionary and sorry about the lack of details, I just remember this as like a childhood memory, about a missionary going into this very cannibalistic society to go bring the gospel Jesus Christ in there.

And he was looking for a way to begin to engage with them in conversation over Jesus Christ, and the person of Jesus Christ and who he was. And as he began to, to kind of watch the different cultural ways that this, this tribe works, he found a way to show them that something that they did in their cultural norms, was a story that he could use to show them about Jesus Christ.

And I heard recently that there's a book out, and again, I apologize for the lack of details. But there's a book out about somebody who's actually gone and taken the time to look at various cultures and seeing all the different places where the revelation of Jesus Christ has been engaging in all these various cultures throughout the earth.

The Kingdom of God is Expanding

So it's incredible to think that revelation is beginning to impact all of the cultures of Earth, and Jesus Christ and the kingdom that He is the king of, is beginning to be revealed throughout the whole world.

This is a powerful, powerful understanding, that we recognize that we're part of a kingdom, you guys, we worship a king, we're part of a kingdom.

And the way this kingdom works is His strategies through these various doors are going out throughout the earth. We're seeing revelation, teaching, and wisdom goes throughout the earth to expand the strategy of Gods so that the kingdom of God out of Isaiah 11 is increasing, always increasing and always abounding.

We live in incredible times you guys because 2020 may have been difficult and we may be coming to the end of 2020. We don't know, you know, we don't know all of the things that God has planned for 2021.

But I will say this: God is a king.

Jesus is a king who is reigning over a kingdom that's expanding on the earth. This is good news. This is what the gospel means, bring the good news to the earth.

We have Access to the Strategies of God

The Lord is saying, access my strategies, access the room of Revelation, the room of Wisdom, the room of Teaching, so that you can begin to engage God's strategies for the earth in these days and times that are so dire for God is looking for sons and daughters to rise up and bring his strategies to the earth, so that the kingdom of God can expand throughout the earth.

I hope you guys had an awesome time with me on this two podcast journey over the room of curiosities and the different things that the Lord is showing me in this seer vision.

I hope you'll listen to all of our other podcasts, and so excited to be with you here. If you want to learn more, you can learn more at AngelaMeer.com that is A-N-G-E-L-A, M as in Mary, E-E-R.com. So AngelaMeer.com. And you can see all of my podcasts have transcripts there and you can get more information about me and there's some various classes that you can get involved with there as well. So I hope you guys are having an awesome day. Thank you for listening and God bless you.

Did any of these concepts stir something inside of you? Have you ever had a vision where God showed you something you’ve never thought of before? We’d love to hear from you!


E.21 — Apostolic Structures Vs. Pastoral Structures


Ep 19: The Room of Curiosities