E.29: 6 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Today

Season 3: Episode 29

6 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Today

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In this episode you will learn:

  • How to shake up your previous understanding of time management

  • Why this little trick helped me establish NEW habits EVERY time!

  • Why creativity helps us out of a jam with time management

Episode length: 11:18


6 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Today


6 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Today 〰️

6 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Today


For nearly a decade now, I’ve consumed almost everything I can on time management. I’ve purchased courses, attended webinars, and created spaces to make my time management dreams come true. I’ve done this for a very specific reason:

Jesus says that if you faithful with little, you will be entrusted with much (Luke 16:10). And the truth is, I believe Jesus is coming back very soon, and I want to present myself to Him as someone who did not waste her time on earth, or squander the gifts and talents He has given me.

            If you are in the same boat and ready to take the next few steps forward in getting your time management under God’s control, then I think you are going to be excited about these breathable, relaxing, and easy 6 ways to improve your time management today.

Hello. My name is Angela Meer and I am the Head Dreamer here at the podcast God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks. If you have been looking for a way to make your life count, build your dreams in practical ways, and develop the skills you need to go the long-haul, you’ve found the right place. I’m here to guide you with humor, inspiration, and authenticity. Welcome to God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks.

As always thank you for tuning in and if this is especially impactful for you, please comment on our blog or review us in the podcast so that others can find these practical wisdom-filled strategies to help them excel in their walk with God.

I want today’s podcast to be especially actionable for you, so make sure you download our podcast playbook for free at AngelaMeer.com. It’s filled with worksheets, and printables to help you with each of our podcasts. You can find it at AngelaMeer.com under free resources.

Okay, lets dive in.

Number 1 – List your priorities.

This sounds easy, and it is, but we don’t do it with time management in mind. Or we do it in the way we think society wants us to do it, rather than what we really prioritize. For instance, most people would prioritize: God, Family, Work or school. That’s not really the kind of list I want you to make. Of course, those are your top three priorities but they are not the top priorities on your TIME. So, I want you to make a list of what takes the most amount of TIME in your life. If you do that it will probably look closer to something like work/school, family, God. Once you’ve written out those priorities, you can quickly move to the next step.

Number 2 – Track your time.

I always thought that tracking seemed so useless until I started doing it. Psychologists and social scientists who study these things say that those who track their time and habits are far more likely to succeed at their goals. I started doing it begrudgingly for new habits for 30 days. It wasn’t until AFTER the 30 days I realized that my habits were sticking! I wasn’t able to implement new habits well until I tracked them.

So, for you, start with tracking your time for 7 days. Make the effort, and this may be a challenge, to be completely honest with yourself. If you spent 2 hours scrolling, then be honest and write it down.

After you’ve tracked your time for 7 days, evaluate what you’ve done. Count up the hours you’ve spent doing various activities and begin to see if your top three time priorities are being met.

When I did this exercise, I was appalled to realize that I spent nearly comparable amounts of time on entertainment as I did with work. Entertainment was scrolling, TV, or games. I wanted to be completely honest with myself, and this one factor really bothered me. I was showing with my time that my number one priority in life was entertainment! It was hard to acknowledge, but I was ruthless with my tracking so I could discover how to improve.

Number 3 – Carve out fifteen minutes each night before bed.

These 15 minutes, for me, are holy ground! I look forward to them because I end the night with a nice cup of tea, and relaxing music. I use my Daily Grow devoplannal and look ahead to my next day. Then I do the following. Some of these may be ideal for you:

·       Based on the weather, I plan my outfits and set them out

·       I plan my lunch and get it ready the night before

·       I charge my devices

·       I do any habit tracking from the day

·       I set up my devotions for the next day with everything I need

·       I write down any last thoughts from the day

·       I make any lists for the next day that are needed

What this does is set me up for success the next day so that I’m not filling my time with things that don’t need to be done. I think of Solomon who wrote, “Go to the ant, O sluggard;
    consider her ways, and be wise.  Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.” (Prov 6:6-8).  

Number 4 – Blocks of time.

Along with my studies with time management, I learned about blocks of time. Before, I would often jump from one task to another, but I learned that we actually tire our brains out very quickly when we do this, and we create less quality work.

Instead, researchers are finding that 2–4-hour blocks of doing the same thing, create the best results. So, if you have a big project, say a yard sale coming up. Instead of taking a day off before to get everything organized, set aside 2 hours every night for a week. The results will be more efficient and you won’t have to waste a day off for something that doesn’t provide you with rest.

I do this thing called batching. If I have to get something done every week, I batch it for a few hours to get several weeks’ worth done at the same time. My mind stays in the same groove and creates better content because I am not jumping around from place to place.

Number 5 – Prioritize rest.

For a very long time, I only slightly rested one day a week. Then God told me to rest two consecutive days in a row. Boy that took a leap of faith! But what I discovered was that having been fully rested, I could get more done in a week, than I was actually getting done in a month! Rest allowed my body and mind to chill, so I could be more productive, healthier, and think clearer about the week ahead.

Number 6 – Play at creativity.

I believe every person is creative. Because God is inherently a Creator, and we are made in His image, creativity is something we all have. Don’t try and be perfect at creativity, but actually aim for childlikeness. Here’s why: creativity teaches the less dominant side of our brain that it’s okay to come out and play. When we use this side of our brain, we are accessing wisdom and solutions from God in new ways.

Some of my favorite ways to engage in play is the use of art, writing, play-do, or legos. I play when I’m stuck: stuck on a project, can’t figure out an idea, or need wisdom from God. Creativity as play allows my mind to rest and put aside the problem and just enjoy myself. This is often where God will speak to me and new thoughts or solutions begin to form. He is so faithful to give us wisdom when we ask for it (James 1:5).

This has greatly improved my time management because I am no longer stuck on something for days, weeks, or even months. Creative play isn’t supposed to be art, it’s supposed to activate another side of your brain – so don’t try to be perfect. Try to be like a child. Know that God will answer you and help you come to solutions quicker than you would on your own.

I hope these six tips are a great help to you too! I believe time management is one way that we can really please the Father, and make sure that we are growing toward our God-Sized Dreams in manageable steps.

But how about you?

Which of these 6 tips are you excited to try? Please post a comment on our blog or podcast. We appreciate you!


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